Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! Growing up in my family Thanksgiving meant lots of cousins to play with and lots of yummy food. Until recently we would have 25 or more people for Thanksgiving dinner. I really don’t know how my mom did it without going crazy. I have a short story I’d like to share with you because it’s so cute and funny. My aunt actually wrote out the story and we read it every year because we still laugh.

Norman Rockwell's Cousin Reginald Catches the Thanksgiving Turkey (1917)
Copyright © 1917 The Country Gentleman and Curtis Publishing Company

Traditionally my Aunt and my mother would go out grocery shopping on Thanksgiving Eve. I have no idea why they waited until then, but they did. It had been a rather hectic week that year.  My younger sister, who was probably 6 at the time and my cousin who was about 8 wanted to help out their moms. They went to the kitchen and started putting the dishes in the dishwasher away. My father saw them in the kitchen and asked what they were doing. The kids said “putting the dishes away, but we can’t reach those cupboards, will you put these away please?” And of course my father did as they asked. He thought it was great that they were helping out, lets face it, no child likes putting the dishes away.

When the mothers returned home with their groceries the children were in bed and they set to work preparing food to be put in the oven the next day. As my mother was cleaning up she started rinsing the dishes to go in the dishwasher, hoping they would all fit because we needed all the clean dishes we had for the massive feast we were going to have. She opened the dishwasher and was stunned. She started saying “No Way! No Way!” My aunt turned around and asked her what was going on. My mother said “the dishes were put away.” My Aunt obviously thinking that was a great thing said “Aww I wonder who was nice enough to do that?” She guessed it was my father and set about refilling the dishwasher.

The next morning everyone was up early to prepare for the arriving family members. My sister and cousin were so proud of helping out that they asked my mom and aunt if they were surprised. My mom, who was so appreciative, said “Oh yes. Who turned on the dishwasher for you?” Knowing my sister and cousin didn’t know how to turn it on. My sister said “No one, we put them away. And Daddy helped with the high ones!”

This was when my mother realized that the kids and my father had put away dirty dishes!

We spent the next several hours clearing out the cupboards and washing every dish in the house! Now, we use paper plates!!!
Norman Rockwell, Ours … to fight for … Freedom From Want, 1943

Do you have a special story to share?  I'd love to hear it!

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