Tuesday, October 19, 2010

News Letters

So I am a little late in getting this started, but what’s new with me being
late or behind??? As long as it’s not my orders it’s no big deal!

As you know I have an Etsy shop and of course I get the newsletters with
tips on how to improve your shop and be successful, I mean really who
doesn’t want that kind of advice? Anyway, about a month ago A newsletter
came out (that of course I see in my inbox on blackberry, cause who checks
their email on the computer these days?) and the subject is “Holiday Boot
Camp”. Yes I’m intrigued. I love the kicka$$ and take names approach to
getting things done. But of course because it’s on my phone I can’t read
the article right away. And by the time I get home I’ve forgotten all
about it, for like the next week! But the email subject heading was still
sitting there in my inbox on phone tempting me to sneak away from my “real”
job and read this newsletter. I behaved myself though. . . I waited until
my lunch hour.

Turns out this Holiday Boot Camp is designed to help you get ready for the
“holiday rush” (that I’m really hoping to have) and to stay motivated and
excited about the coming season! I eagerly joined this Boot Camp even
though I was almost 2 weeks behind by this time. And as time allows I plan
to share my Boot Camp Story with you . . . My faithful customers that I am
about to aww with wonderfully cute new items that you won’t be able to

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